I am a community advocate, educator, and researcher passionately committed to a better now. For over 25 years, I’ve worked with individuals and organizations to engage and act for the greater good. I do this through authentic communication, compassion, and connection. I want the spaces we learn, work and live in to be better for us all.
Most of my experience has been on the ground in communities that are multi-ethnic, urban, and fueled with passionate people from all walks of life. I am a mission-driven professional with a breadth of knowledge and expertise in the nonprofit sector. I have a special love of organizations working in arts & culture, social justice, media & technology, and education. I received my doctorate of philosophy in public policy from the John W. McCormack Graduate School at the University of Massachusetts Boston and I hold a Master’s of Arts in Media Studies from the New School for Social Research. So in other words, I’ve got the credentials.
My adopted hometown and civic life are centered in Lowell, MA. To find out more about my background and qualifications visit my LinkedIN.